So,what's the battle then? Because I want you've a full comprehension of this war am waging,will like you follow me through the voyage of knowledge because I'm pretty sure that either un/knowingly you're passing through this intricate part of life.For the fact that,you're my colleague in this war,that's why am happy to air it out eventhough you may not want to for reasons best known to you.
Now let's expose it.
Recently,I've come to see life from another angle of elevation which at a time denied me of sleeping when I woke up in the middle of the night.I've seen gold and riches,gadgets and spiffy materials,necessities of life and the likes.
Anything bad in seeing them? I don't think so.Then why'd they be my problem?
Let me be straight forward here.
This war am fighting is nothing more than 'intimidation' It's another thing to see an object of importance,it's another thing to be intimidated either by yourself or who owns the material.Intimidation comes when you think you should change level when your chap/friends are changing it.It comes when you think that you're in need of certain things to beautify yourself.It comes when others are flagging their glamorous gadgets while you have your own decaying gadget buried in your pocket.It comes when you're of the opinion of becoming relevant.This intimidation can be rooted on countless reasons like the sand of the sea.
Not to keep you in the darkness,I'll try to be practical as a person even when you'll mock me.
The minutes of sleeplessness I had was because of my thirst to get myself acquinted with the latest technological development because of my current activities on the social network and it cannot be achieved by strokes of magic.This's 21st century,where the success of today is the failure of tomorrow.The jet age!
Just as I was thinking about this,I had in my spirit saying 'when you begin to look at what you don't have you start moving away from God because He's everything you need eventhough they may be trapped in an unseen' Hearing this,I quench the fiery darts of the devil with my shield of faith(Eph 6:16).Then,the eyes of my understanding is enlightened and I slept off.
However,the lesson does not stop there,one thing re-echo in my auditory nerve which I'll share you with.
The Sprint Race And a Marathon Race.
To understand this better,both of them are running a race but the distance travelling is different.A Sprint is defined as 'Run at full speed over a short distance' meaning that this race is very short and the runner would easily get to the finishing line by speeding up but a marathon runner cannot do that because is journey is still very far and so s/he can only be moving at a steady and slow rate so has not to get tired easily.Now,when the sprint runner gets to the finishing line and receive the price of emerging,the marathon runner may feel like stopping or being enticed with the gift however,s/he continues because their race and destination is different.His veins steam courage and endure the race.When s/he gets to the finishing line,do you know what'll happen?
The sprint runner will later become a spectator watching him running and receiving his/her price(s). Do you think there gift will be the same? Never!
And that's just how life is.Some of your friends using the latest have reached the end of their sprint race and you should not be intimidated because you're on marathon.Don't be discouraged because the will ultimately stand at their finishing line to applaud and celebrate you.Just don't give up.
This is the lesson have learnt,not to compare myself with others because we're running different race with different destination.
Finally on this note,I've foud this bible passages helpful on the battle field 'Be anxious for nothing,but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God-Phil 4:6' ,Matt 6:25-'....take no thought for your life..... And Heb 13:5 also help in quenching the fiery darts of the devil.Just as my school anthem lyric reads 'Intimidation we condole not'
Don't be intimidated,you're travelling on a different journey! Don't condole it.
God bless.
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