Just as I stumbled on my bible few minutes ago,I gained an
understanding of why Cain had a problem with God as regard his sacrifice
and this throws a radiant of light to me contrary to our erroneous
believe and our childhood assumption about Cain's offering.This little
understanding is what am moved to share with you. But these questions
are germane to the study and that has
been our long aged knowledge about Cain.Was it because the sacrifice is
not huge? Or God prefer animal to the fruit Cain brought to Him? No! As I
read,I've the understanding that,God is not mad at the sacrifice but
the giver.The state of heart of Cain was not in harmony/resonance with
what he presented.And if something is wrong with the giver,as good as
the gift may be,it'll not be accepted.
This implies that before you ever give to God,do a thorough work on
yourself and ensure you are presentable to Him.If you're not born again
or you're born again but living in secret sins,your person will be
rejected and it'll greatly affect your giving to God.
God cannot
stand a sinner when it comes to giving,whereas He is well pleased to
take the request of His children who're living righteously.
wonder proverb 15:8 says that "The sacrifice of the wicked is an
abomination to the LORD:but the prayer of the upright is His delight"
In giving to God,the rule should be "you first before your gift" If
you're not holy inwardly,neither is your gift.If you're not born
again,drop whatever you want to give to God in one corner and deal with
the matters of your heart.
Note that:"self-examination must precede every act of giving-offering,tithe,seed sowing et cetera"
Romans 12 vs 1 ".......that ye present your bodies a living
sacrifice,holy,acceptable unto God which is your reasonable service"
God Bless.
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