Obviously,these are certain situations of life whose magnitude on us is
undeniable.Sometimes,those situations look agonizingly tough that you're
about to give up.At this point,there's nothing to hide from other
believers because you're already sinking.However,in this hopeless state
you're left with the question:what would I do?
Let's briefly bring this pressing issue under the magnifying lens of the word of God.
2Corin 1 vs 8 says '...we were crushed and overwhelmed beyond our
ability to endure,and we thought we would never live through it-NLT'
This was the sincere confession and account of apostle paul stating his
ordeals/traumatic experience with all sincerity of purpose to the
church at Corinth.And you can see that the statement looked somehow
negative.It shows that there's no magic to wriggle out of the hands of
death.They're hemmed down in the dungeon of problem and
hopelessness.Paul said '..and we thought we'd never live through it' The
simple challenge here is that;what're the situations you're passing
through presently and it seems as if you'll never squirm out of it? Is
it financial problem? Relationship problem? Admission problem? to
mention but a few.All of these crushed and overwhelmed you that you've
lost the battle to the devil and drifting with the tide.What's that
problem that has exceeded the elastic limit in your life? Name it! Oooh!
Don't be manipulated by every cause and craze!
The following verse
by way of extension i.e vs 9 says '..In fact,we expected to die...'
Now,it seems apostle paul was exaggerating the size of their problems
but that does not seemed so.By implication,it seems that the situation
is about taking the breath out of you because nothing gives you the hope
of surviving/weathering the storm again.In fact,many were overwhelmed
to the extent of committing suicide.Don't give up yet,that problem can't
take your life as we consider the rest of vs 9.
It says 'We stopped relying on ourselves,and learned to rely on God,who raises the dead'
It then become crystal clear to me from apostle paul's statement that
the only factor that has been throwing them from one degree of problem
to others is self-reliance.This is applicable to you as well.You've been
relying on yourself and that is why the problem appears to be
He(paul) said,'we stopped' meaning that they've been
depending on self-effort,leaving God out of their schedules and
strategising various means to be delivered but all was in futility.They
relied on the head-knowledge and experience as an apostle which failed
them woefully.It's at this point they realised that they must pegged
self-reliance and shift to the side of God-depending on him.The question
is that;are you relying on God or devicing methods to excel on your own
without consulting God? Are you not saying,'I can do it on my own self'
when you need 'give it to God' Are you not depending on your wealth of
If this is the way you're operating,circumstances of
life will always weigh you down.Do your part and do not do that of
God.Let Him do what he need do ,shift your attention from yourself and
turn to God in the same way apostle Paul did.
Your success and breakthrough is certain if you relied on Him.
Verse 10 says 'And he did rescue us from mortal danger,and he will
rescue us again.We've placed our confidence in him,and he'll continue to
rescue us'
By relying on God,they're rescued,but relying on
themselves,they failed.What're you putting your confidence into? Money?
Knowledge? Influence? Position? Parents? Friends? Pastors? etc.You'll
certainly receive from those you put your confidence into but in a
dissapointing way.
Kindly do away with confidence on a mortal man that can't play out well,but let your confidence stand in God.
Though,that problem may be beyond your ability to endure,but if you can trust and rely on God,you're on a winning side.
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