
Sunday, 1 December 2013


Before I go further in this piece,I'd like you to understand with me that the piece is not put up to create a space for fear in your heart neither is it meant to scare you pertain to the erroneous belief and assertions that're always ascribed to December by people.This one thing I hate;I hate magnifying the devil at the expense of God.I discovered that we speak more of the devil in the stead of Jesus,not knowing that devil's power is not half that of Jesus.I'd rather magnify Jesus by telling the devil how great my God is.
Apostles paul was not void of his antics when he says that,'we're not ignorant of the devices of the devil' That should tell you that the Lord Almighty has expounded unto us all the strategies of the devil by the Holy Spirit.
Therefore,we need no fear or over-estimate the power ignorantly attributed to the devil.
Having this understanding,I'd like to dive into the word of God which will help sustain and keep us through the month.Jesus in Matt 22:29 says 'you run into error because you don't know the scripture or the power of God'
With this biblical understanding,I'd like you to go with me into the book of Acts chapter 28,the last chapter of the book which simply depictmay the last month of the year.As simple as this may be,it's worthy of note to take a keen attention to it.Verse 6 of the scripture says '...the people expected him to swell up or suddenly fall dead,but after waiting a long time and seeing nothing unusual happen to him,they changed their minds and said he was a god' Obviously,the journey of Paul ever before this verse could be likened to a start of struggle from the beginning of his ministry.He was moving from one degree of problem to another all in the name of fulfiling God's purpose.He was falsefully accused,he was jailed,and attempts were made to terminate his life.But all couldn't hold water or stand against him.In this journey, he landed safely on shore,something tragic in verse 3 occurred,it reads '..a viper,driven,out by the heart,fastened itself on his(paul's hand.When this happened,the people around were earnestly waiting for his death.
The implication of this biblical verse is that;just as you've started from the beginning of this year like apostle paul,putting up strategies to fulfil God's purpose in your life,it has been a release of different dimension of struggle.You've faced alot of hurdles of life,situations around you look unyielding,mountains to climb grows higher befor you,and it be like you're at a mediocre equilibrium though you're progressing.You've been nursing some ideas terrifically in your mind,striving day in day out to see to its success.But as desperate as you are,the sad and dismal aspect of these scenario is that the devil is still cooking up plans to see you remain at the lowest part of the ladder and to fall.In the same way those guys were expectantly looking forward to the fall of apostle Paul.People in the same way are standing ramrod waiting for your fall.
But thanks be to God the father of our Lord Jesus that their expectation was not met,they wait and wait in vain which made them to conclude that 'Apostle paul is a god'
Now,my sincere prayer for you and which should be your prayer point is that 'Those that waits for your fall as the year runs out will wait and wait in vain in Jesus name.You'll fulfil purpose and they'll come to testify to the goodness of the Lord in your life IJN'
Happy New Month
You can follow @TheLAfamily and @isaacsogo on twitter.


  1. Amen. Thanks Bro, more grease to your elbow.

  2. Amen to that Isaac. We, too, are god, just like you said apostle Paul was. We have the right to call ourselves same. God bless you for this wonderful new month piece.

  3. That's true.The scripture also affirm that,that 'ye're god' Thanks bro.God bless
