Well,you can better answer it yourself.
I used the above thought-provoking illustration to explain a vital aspect of a christian life which will be uncovered as we go on.
Yeah,we've some other areas of life where people are being pressurized to get things done quickly even when what is needed to do so is not available but due to human behaviour,we push people do the right thing at the wrong time by measuring them up with those that have make it.
Then,from which perspective am I seeing this? Let's consider with intense attention the children of Isreal standing at the bank of the red sea when it seems as if their life would be terminated seeing the Egyptians coming behind with furiosity and anger.
The book of Exodus 14:11 says 'And they said to Moses,because there were no graves in Egypt,has thou taken us out to die in the wilderness...'
They(Israelites) were complaining and murmuring against Moses because death is about to drop on them.I wonder how Moses would feel at that hour of their murmuring.
Israelites were murmuring in the same manner your parents lament that; when're we to carry your baby? when're we to enter into your car? When're we to step into your house? When're we to see you doing this and that? They complain bitterly and you feel dejected and downcasted in the same way Moses would be beside the red sea.
Do you know that it,s possible for Moses to use human wisdom because the pressure is becoming much on him? But he never succumbed to his people as they were ready to tear him down.
What was his response in this state of dillema?
Moses voiced out in vs 13 '...Fear ye not,stand still,and see the salvation of the Lord..'
what a courageous word!
With this,I think that should be your response as well as you're being troubled to make decisions which may not be at the ripe hour.You keep your well-wishers calm by telling them that they should not fear about how things are going because it'll not continue ad infinitum.
In vs 14,he says 'the Lord shall fight for you,and ye shall hold your peace' Another words of hope. As at the time you're beside the red sea of life,your words should be 'The Lord shall fight for me,and I shall hold my peace' and see how stable your faith will be.Saying this gives assurance that there is a mighty God that has never lost a battle.
The most interesting part of this scripture is in vs 15 which says 'And the Lord said to Moses...' GOD spoke to him to tell him what is required of him.Moses was not perturbed by the cry of his people to forget the place of God speaking to him on the way out.Assuming he used his own wisdom,nothing meaningful would be recorded of the children of Isreal.
That implies that,when you're pressed,you should be ready to listen to God,the same way Moses does leading to the surprise of all.
Many out of being pressed make untimely decisions and was in haste because others have gone ahead of them without listening to what God's saying and they collapse at the end.
When you're pressed,press the number of God to know how to go about the dillema you're facing.
With faith,He'll see you through.
God Bless.
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