Let's turn our bible to the book of Acts chapter 26:24 which says 'And as he thus proceed(Paul) with his defense,Festus called out louldly,Paul you're mad! Your great leaning is driving you insane.
Paul's story or trial begins at Acts 23 and runs all the way to the end of the book in Chapter 28.If you're not familiar with paul,it's a story worth reading.But for our purposes,allow me to give a thumbnail sketch of Paul's life in a jiffy.
Before his encounter with Jesus on his way to Damascus, he was a fanatics that takes pleasure in persecuting the church.This life-threatening experience made the apostles to be scattered,yet Paul pursued them.It was on this ministry of persecution that he met Jesus and his life was changed.From that time upward,Paul was suffering from the hands of the Jews that believeth not in Christ becausf of his passion to share the gospel.It's in the course of this he was delivered to Felix,then to Festus,and Festus beseeched Agrippa to hear paul's side of defense for he was dazed.Bro.Paul was able to set his defense straight forward by sharing his old ways of life and then preach christ which he confessed before Agrippa.As he was talking,Festus perceived that Paul was full of biblical knowledge(God's knowledge) that's irrefutable.This made Festus to jump into conclusion, saying ' Paul you're mad!' Can you see the exclamatory mark? That tells you that Paul's cerebral grandstanding is beyond Festus's carrying capacity.Festus should've put it better by saying 'Paul,you're an Emeritus!'
Any which way,Fesus said 'Paul is mad'
However,these questions are worth asking:Why was he not mad when persecuting the church? Why was he not accused of persecuting the church then?
From the above questions,I discovered that by the world standard,believers are tagged to be mad if they're not dancing to the beat of the world that barrels down the express way to hell.You're not mad if you dressed indescently,but you're if you choose to remain descent.You're not mad if you're fornicating,but you're if you keep yourself holy.You're not mad if you're an alcoholic,but you're when your are not.
The above defined the world standard of judging madness.
In this age of ours,choosing to remain holy,descent and godly is being termed as over-spirituality which is equated to 'Christianity Madness' That's when you see people making jest of you by calling you all sorts of name.When you carry your bible going to the church,they shout loudly like Festus 'THE SUs'
This simple fact I want you to know that:anytime you part away with the worldy things and give attention to the firm teaching of the word of God,expect insults that're highly annoying.Expect false accusations,but don't be moved.They'll call you a fanatics because of christ,don't worry.
The undeniable fact is that,a mad man will always see others as mad fellow.Regardless of what is said of you because of your faith,don't drift with the tides.It's better you're a mad man on earth because of Christ than to be turned mad in hell fire.If Festus realised Paul's response in verse 25,he'd know that he is the one being tormented with madness.
No matter how the word 'madness' is being defined by the world's standard,do not join the league of the unholy people.Let your centre of focus be christ.
Festus said that 'great learning is driving you insane' Let people see you learning the way of God.If they see that they'll confess that you're mad for christ because your biblical knowledge is beyond comprehension.
Keep focus in the face of insults and be not discouraged when you're called names that're insultive.
P.S:if you've gained something,kindly share with your friends and drop your comment.
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