
Saturday, 7 June 2014

LADIES: Let's Have A Sanctury of Reasoning


Without any sense of remorse I picked up the
withering tendrils of my pen to spite in verse
some words of advice not minding the flow of
criticism that this would/may caused.
My fear for this generation is that
i see ladies in their fruitful and fresh age having
no firm plans for their lives but are desperately
in anticipation to go to the altar thinking that
their husband's wealth would sustain and keep
them going forgetting that this is 21st century.As
myopic this mentality may be so also is its
dangers beyond measure.There is therefore a
great need for ladies to see themselves operating
beyond the kitchen level and feeding fat on their
husband's influence and affluence.They must
stop a parasitic life style and channel the right
course of their lives.Who said that ladies are not
breaking grounds and i will show you people like
Oprah Winfrey,Joyce Meyer,Ngozi Okonjo iweala
et al.
However,pity is the case today that some ladies
are still short-circuited in their thinking,believing
that their destiny lies in the hands of the man
they'd marry.Asking some ladies the plans
they're having for themselves,it'd not surprise
you seeing them eating up their fingers without
being able to do that graphically.But asking them
where they see themselves in the next 4,5
years,the response is always with great
enthusiasm,sharp and quick with rays of laughter
beaming out of their mouths.I'm sure you can
guess what the response wouldd be.I am not
saying that marriage is bad.sincerely it's a good
one,but this must not engulf ladies to the point
of lacking the mental capacity to envisage their
vision.That a lady would end up in a man's
house should not be an end to the vision she is
pregnant with.
The truth here is that;any lady who can better
define her way before getting married would sure
be a good asset rather than a liability to her
husband.In fact the wealth of her husband would
only be a bonus to her and not a dependent
factor.The problem here is that many ladies have
seen their husband as Jesus that will carry their
cross/burden.NO! That should not be.
This sincere truth must therefore sink down into
the subconsciousness of every lady that,'the
value of a man depends on the value of her wife
and value here is defined based on 'stuffs' you
are made up of,not beauty' Seeing ladies who
knows where
they are going gladdens my heart and I
appreciate such.It will not shock you to realise
that the personalities of such a lady becomes a
point of challenge to the man himself.
On this note,it'd be good to draw a close by
saying that ladies can try to see that as much as
they beautify their physical appearances,they
must also beautify their minds and made up of
stuffs that will keep them standing and
flourishing in their own world as well.After all we
have Deborah who stood ramrod for Isrealites
and eventually gave them an outstanding
victory.God is waiting for another sets of
Deborah that would take the world by surprise
and decide the fate of the world,not empty-
headed,timid and lacklusters.
Your husband's house is not the terminus,but
the transit point.Have a change of idea.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


Honestly,friends,I know how you feel about this,and I know how much you so care about me.I've no doubt that you're bemused/bewildered seeing this shocking post and what looks somehow crazy on my wall. However,there'sa need to keep you out of darkness by propagating rays of light to my intent.I can't just continue to live again,because I'm tired of living.After this piece,I'm pretty sure that you'll willingly hand over your life to God so as to die in the same sense as mine. I've come to see to it that,unless God kill me,it'll be apparently impossible for me to live a successful and meaningful life.Honestly,my life would be in a commotion and without shape.Since there must be reason(s) to die,I'd then say that: why'd I love to die? for what reason? There are two parts in me that're always in constant fight against each other.And since they've started this fight for long,each one stuck to its gun-not ready to surrender.I've persistently see them waging war against each other without being able to silence anyone of them because they're too tough to be reconciled.As a result of this,they don't give me peace,at the same time,they do not give me chance to live my life the way I want it.Don't you think that a dead person is better than a living but troubled fellow? And because they're both in me,there must be a need for me to die,since the death of one means that I've died to it and living up to the other... They're not anonymous,so I'd give you there names.They're: 'Mr.Flesh and Mr.Spirit' You can't just believe that they're too strong to be killed by amunitions of the world and that's why God is needed. The scripture makes it crystal clear in Ephesians 5:17 says,'for the sinful nature(Mr.flesh) desires what's contrary to the (Mr) spirit,and the spirit what's contrary to the sinful nature.They're in conflict with each other,so that you do not do what you want' hmmm... Then,I see that Mr.flesh is always winning the war.Sincerely,I'd not have borthered myself not until it becomes plain to me that,'if Mr.Flesh is always taking the lead,then am in hot soup' Romans 8:7 says,'the sinful mind(or the mind set on the flesh) is hostile to God.It does not submit to God's law,nor can it do so 'This is when I know that,'I'm much in trouble' While I was still in doubt of whether I'm being controlled by the flesh or not,Galatians 5:19-21 says that I should verify the veracity of my deeds..'The acts of the sinful nature are obvious:sexual immorality,impurity and debauchery;jealousy and withcraft;hatred,discord,jealousy,fits of rage,selfish ambition,dissensions,factions and envy;drunkeness,orgies,and the like. Kindly choose yours.I've picked mine. So,in the midst of this confusion and a dare need for desperate help,I came across a solution which is not all that easy,but it's the only surviving way.In this search,Romans 6:11 says,'Count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in christ Jesus.Thereforedo not let sin reign in your mortal body so that you obey its evil desires' It's at this point that I knew that I must give myself voluntarily to be sluttered.Romans 6:7 makes it a matter of necessity-'....because anyone who has died has been free from sin' What is my gain when I gave up the ghost? Romans 6:8-10 says,'Now if we died with christ,we believe that we will live with him.For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead,he cannot die again;death no longer has mastery over him.The death he died,he died to sin once for all;but he lives,he lives to God' My joy from that passage is that,when am dead to sin,I'd be alive with christ(2Timothy2:11 testify to it also..'If we died with him,we'll also live with him),and Mr.Flesh'd be buried.Don't forget that Mr.flesh is part of me,but once God kill him,I must certainly die as well after which I'd be brought back to life to follow Mr.SPIRIT Please bear with me here,I'd simply tell you in a jiffy,how I was killed..Romans 8:10 says,'but if Christ is in you,your body is dead because of sin,yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness' wao! Kindly give ur life to him now if you want to be dead to be alive. What's the joy of being dead then? Rom 8:6b says,'..but the mind controlled by the spirit is life and not death' vs 13,'...but those who are led by the spirit of God are the sons of God' This is wonderful! Gal 5:16,then charged me:'so I say,live by the spirit,and you'll not gratify the desires of the sinful nature' Friends,I'll drop the pen here to tell you that you must offer your life to God through Jesus so that He may kill you and make you alive with Him. In case you've not given your life to Christ,simply say this:Lord Jesus,I acknowledge I'm a sinner.You paid 4 my sins on the cross of Calvary,and I accept ur salvation.Wash me with your blood,make me a new person and write my name in the Book of Life.Thank you for ur Mercy IJN. LET GOD KILL EVERY SEED OF SIN IN YOUR LIFE THAT YOU MAY LIVE UNTO RIGHTEOUSNESS.

Saturday, 18 January 2014


There was an incident that happened years ago which lasted for hours or less than that.From our childhood stage,we're being told about this.Though,it's always hilarious to us then because of how it's introduced to us.You can also bear a witness to it.
Listening or reading about this story always make most of us to be highly judgemental in our sense of thoughts,and pointing accusing fingers to the victim of the incident.After all human points of view which is from the reasoning perspective,we forget how significant the issue is.In fact,we joke it off sometimes.Beyond the story level we've come to the point of gaining insights to how relevant the story is.

Just as you're wondering about which story am talking about out of number of stories you know,I'll like you go with me at a speed of light into the book of Hebrew 12:16 which reads;'see that no one is sexually immoral or is godless like Esau,who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest'

I'd not be taking the whole of the passage,but will do good considering the latter part of the scripture.
The story of Esau and Jacob is not new to you,yet it can be new to you as we sieve it through the grids of the scripture.Before I go further,let me quickly establish that,God predestined both boys before their birth,and you can see that being mentioned by apostle Paul in his epistle to believers at Rome in 'Romans 9:13-21'

However,beyond the prism of their predestination,we'd quickly stew in some important lessons from the life of Esau in particular....

Let's take the verse in part:'...who for a single meal...' It's obvious that Esau was seriously hungry that he needed to eat to filled up is stomach.It was at this present moment that he made an unwise decision by selling out his future jokingly to his desperate brother who's ready to pay all it takes to have the glory of his brother.

The question is that;was the hunger so much that Esau could not bear it for that moment? I think this is where the problem lies,it wasn't that he can't endure but he lacks the power or spirit of self control/self discipline.Why can't he disciplined his stomach atleast for that day to esque the future regret? Let phil 3:19 shed much light on the reason behind this..'their destiny is destruction,their god is their stomach,and their glory is in their shame.Their mind is on earthly things'

It's at this point,I unearthed that,a christian who lacks the power of self-discipline will definitely fall into the trap(snares) of the enemy.Some people've become addicted to certain habits that they thought that without it,they'd not survive.In this age of ours,people are becoming too loose that they can't gain control over their immoral behaviours in which a slight opportunity makes them give in to sins.some have believed that;masturbation,sexual sins,gossiping,stealing,lieing,indescent dressings,greediness et al is part of them,and whenever the devil introduced it to them,they fall for him.The question is:what is/are your weak point(s) that can easily land you into a big error of your life?

The crucial aspect of this story is that:there is a high possibility of Esau thinking that if he couldn't get the food at that time,he'd definitely die.
That simply implies that,the devil is always in a game of deluding us with the mentality of 'instant gratification of our needs' He'll always want us to think that we need everything now and not other time.This pushes us to make unnecessary demands.He'd tell you that you need the latest wears in town,if not you'll not meet up with your expensive friends.He can even tell you that;unless you dress shabbly or indescently,you'll not be reckoned with and be isolated by friends.He can come in different ways friends.
Just note this:there's nothing pressing in life that you're in need of that your Father(God) has not provided (see Eph 1:3-4) When you're pressed to make a costly demand,you can try phil 4:6 that you may not fall into his trap.

Now,just in a day,'he sold his inheritance rights' What qualifies him as the next of kin was sold out just like that! A day of lustful satisfaction that leads to eternal regret.
The devil may be telling you that,it doesn't matter,just trade your virginity for money or for the unbriddled appetite for sex.
Ooh! Esau thoughts that,it's nothing serious to do that,he must have told Jacob that;'you're funny shaa,just because of that,it's a small thing.You just give me'll have my rights'
In the same way you joke away the glory of God in your life by playing costly games with your life.

Vs17b says,'He was rejected....he sough t the blessing with tears'
May you not take a decision that'd caused you tears.
The devil'll always come back to toment you,even when you're enjoying those sins now.

On this note,take these with you:
sin'll take you father than you wanted.

Sin'll keep u longer than u wanted to stay.

Sin'll cost you more than you wanted to pay.

Just in a day...

Tuesday, 14 January 2014


I do not have a family of mine yet,but that won't stop me from being able to address some pertinent issues revolving around the axis of the family in which the parents are the active players.I'd be looking at the subject of discussion probably from two points of view.And will give attention to one than the other so as to drive home my point.

Obviously,the place of parents in the life of their children cannot be underrated.This is so true because the home is the primary background of every child.Parents are the number one teacher in a family set up.It then means that,'whatever you see from the part of their children,is a product of the handiwork of their parents' At this stage,two things are possible:It's either their children are good or bad.However,it's possible for a child brought up in an ideal home to turn bad as a result of some external factors.But that's not where am going...
Simply,the family is the foundation of the children.Though,we've some children whose parents do not brought up in the way of God and also not in the way of satan,but in a space of time,these children unearthed reasons for them to know more of God.So,they build their relationship with God with their hands when they see their parents not capable for reasons best known to them.

However,there's no pause without a cause.I made up my mind to finally write this article to save the unborn generation.
I've continuously hear a mother teaching her very young boy an ungodly/worldy slangs which to her is just to catch fun,not knowing that the brains of children are very sharp in taking in information.You can't just believe that,early in the morning you see this mother saying this,and the boy will continue with it.
But then,I've not seen this woman quoting a portion of the scripture and wait for the guy to complete it. Never!.The other day, I heard the boy singing,'personally...' and who're we to blame if not for the parents that do not take their primary assignment serious.This is where we ought to know that the headaches of the community and even the church starts from the family.Honestly,pastoral ministry'd be very easy,if every parent could help pastored their children.No wonder the church is full of untrained children which ultimately become a burden to the pastor in the church.If a child is brought up in a godly home,taught how to speak,how to dress,how to pray,how to respect et al we'd have a less number of abnormalities in our society today.

Yeah! You don't have a family yet,but you can always take a view of how you want your family to be and the types of children you wonna build.Is it the one that'd make exploit or the one that'd turn a nuisance to the community and the church of God?
You may be fervent with God,but once your fervency does not affect your children,it's a waste of time!

On this note,let's take a bible character to conclude this topic.Hear the word of Bro.Paul to Timothy in 2Tim 1:5, "I've been reminded of your sincere faith,which first lived in your groundmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and I'm persuaded,now lives in you also" Guess you can see how the faith was established in Timothy.Her parents can't be discarded in this matter,though his dad was not mentioned.
Let's take 2Tim 3:15 to sum it up,'and how from infancy you've known the holy scriptures,which are able to make you wise...'
It was from the infant stage that he had known God.

To all growing youths that'd one day have their family,take time to teach your children in a godly way and not in an ungodly manner.

Friday, 10 January 2014


Land of our Birth,we pledge to thee
Our love and toil in the years to be;
When we are grown and take our place
As men and women of our race.

Father in Heaven,who lovest all,
Oh,help Thy children when they call;
That they may build from age to age
An undefiled heritage

Teach us to bear the yoke in youth,
With steadfastness and careful truth;
That in our time Thy Grace may give
The Truth whereby the Nations live.

Teach us to rule ourselves alway
Controlled and cleanly night and day;
That we may bring,if need arise
No maimed or worthless sacrifice.

Teach us to look in all our ends
On Thee for judge,and not our friends;
That we,with Thee,may walk uncowed
By fear or favour of the crowd.

Teach us the strength that cannot seek,
By deed or thought,to hurt the weak;
That,under Thee,we may possess
Man's strength to comfort man's distress.

Teach us delight in simple things,
And mirth that has no bitter springs;
Forgiveness free of evil done,
And to all mean 'neath the sun!

Land of our Birth,our faith,our pride,
For who dear sake our fathers died
O Motherland,we pledge to thee;
Head,heart,and hand through the year to be!

Thursday, 9 January 2014


If there's a terrific search for a generation with a volatile and easily evaporated memory,a mile journey is too much for this generation of ours.Ours is to easily forget the basic principles of life we've been taught by the word of God(the bible).We easily digest it,and vomit it with immediate effect.In fact,we take no heart to convert every words into action,meanwhile,there's no production of energy/work in physics,if one form of energy does not change to another form of energy.E.g a chemical energy changes to light energy.If we can't learn from this mechanically-provoking illustrations,then we must be ready to see the devil face-to-face or live with him in face-me-I-face you house.And before we know it,things we no longer be at ease,and that's why we must as a matter of urgency have our memory restored.

To help us see this issue as a pressing one,I'd like to filter this stuff through the grid of the scripture.

Apostle Paul in his letter to Titus in Titus 1:5 says:'The reason I left you in Crete was that you might straighten out what was left unfinished...'
On getting to this verse,I asked myself;why must apostle paul sent an alarm to Titus not to forget his mission?
Well,unless I miss my guess,there's high tendency for Titus to play away his mission because the people of Crete are not easy fellow (there testimony was given in vs 12,they are always liars,evil brutes,lazy gluttons) paul seeing this was passionate to tell Titus not to forget the main reason why he's still staying in crete.He should know that his task was to preach,teach,evangelise and bring orderliness to these guys.This means that,if Titus do not do well in keeping his purpose of being in Crete alive,he should expect more of absurdities than the one mentioned.By implication,the burdens of cretians lie on him,and that's why paul urged him to 'straighten out what was left unfinished'

The simple challenge is that:have we not forgotten our mission on earth? Have not throw into dustbin Matthew 28:19-20? Are we really showing christ in our environ? Are we really the shinning light that would end the world of darkness? Have you forgotten that the world is waiting for a terrific change?

I think these are few questions we must reflect on if really we want to do away with a volatile memory.
If you're indeed serious to rescue this crooked and depraved generation,kindly shun ungodliness and worldly passions because you can't be darkness and light at the same time.

If you've not been representing Jesus well,this is another opportunity to do so by reflecting on why you're living upto this present moment.I s it to eat,drink,play et al or to bring down the work of darkness? God is waiting for you and I to turn the world upside down by the word of God.

'The reason for your existence is that:you should straighten out the perversed generation of ours'

LESSONS FROM 2corinthians 12-1#

Friends,it's my pleasure to share with you few lessons from 2corins 12-13 which I tweeted @TheLAfamily study some days ago.Urge you to read through it.It's simple to understand.Happy reading

God may not take away that temptation and affliction,but the sustaining grace would be made available.He won't leave you empty! #la130

God is not surprised by your weaknesses.All you need is to be sincere about it that he may provide the strength #la130

It's better to be underrated than to be overrated! #la130

'For when I'm weak,then I'm strong' Be positive about your point of weaknesse(s) #la130

Proving to be powerful when we're weak before God makes Him distance away from us #la130

Paul says,'please forgive me for this wrong!' How easily do you acknowledge your wrong doings and ask for forgiveness? #la130

If the main concern of the church is to have people's money(resources) and not their hearts,it's a dead end! #la130

Paul was not weary of loving though,his love was not equally reciprocated #la130

Don't wait for who will reciprocate your love in the same proportion before you start loving! #la130

'For we've the same spirit and walk in each other's step' People of the same mind can easily give testimony of themselves #la130

You still have time today to repent of your impurity,sexual immorality and eagerness for lustful pleasure b4 the return of Jesus #la130

At a point,you must be concerned about yourself than you do on others.When your faith can't save you,how'd it save others #la130

'Do the right thing before we come' Do the right thing before the coming of Jesus #la130

Don't oppose the truth,but stand for it whereever you're,regardless of the set of people you're dealing with #la130
@TheLAfamily:Dear brothers and sisters,grow to maturity,encourage others.Live in harmony n peace.Then God of lv n peace'll b wt u #la130

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ,and the love of God,and the communion of the Holy Ghost,be with you all( @TheLAfamily).Amen #la130

I salute you all @TheLAfamily #la130

You can also read this epistle of paul i.e 2corins 12-13 for better understanding.
Equally,you can do well by following @TheLAfamily on twitter,and @isaacsogo.

God bless.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


There's something special about God's word that's always amazing,and interesting which always make me fall in love with it as much as I ponder on it.
This aspect of Jesus occured to me this morning which I think it's worth sharing.
The ministry of Jesus was without the presence of the Pharises.They're religion police that constantly spy on Jesus where ever he goes.In fact,on the cornfield,they're there and you wonder why they still keep watch on him while on the field.I realised that the pharises whose head was nothing but the book of law would not stop causing trouble and rationalizing.
But this one thing I discovered;the fact is just that,the Pharises are not void of what the response of Jesus Christ would be,still they won't stop engaging him in annoying questions,but no matter how annoying they're,Jesus is always kind in teaching them and not resentful.But the question that hits me hard was:why would they not stop coming even when they know what Jesus' response(s) would be knowing fully that they can't win him in the game? To this end,let's briefly see a simple lesson we can stew out of this.
The life of Jesus is a classic prototype to what christianity is all about.Eventhough,your friends know your spiritual stand and fervency,that'd not stop them from coming to tempt your rigidity.The fact that you are known by all and sundry to be a spiritual chap,that is not a ticket for a temptation free life.Always expect those temptations and test of biblical knowledge in a reoccuring decimal.
If you teach about fornication,that doesn't mean that you will not be confronted with temptation on what you've taught.
But this very thing is germane to your ability to overcome the Pharises that'd question your knowledge/faith,and that's your ability to be in tune with the word of God and the power of the Holy spirit.You will notice that,all the response of Jesus were so great that it's beyond their ability to answer or give a reply.Do you think that Jesus' words is just an ordinary one? No! It's a word given by the power of the Holy ghost.And that's why you must not joke with the Holy spirit and the word of God.
The fact that they know you'll not join the multitude to do evil won't discouraged them from coming to you.An example would be relevant here.In one of my exams,a teacher came to me,persuading me to take an expo,even when he knew I'm strongly against such,yet he came.I told him I can't do that,and he said that he knew I'd not.That you hate evil desires of the world,won't stop them trying to entice you with their words,mode of dressing and the likes.And if care is not taken,you may fall for them.Jesus' knowledge is unsearchable for them because He operates not in the flesh.
This is the simple charge friends,'even when they know that you won't coincide with immoralities,that won't stop them from coming' But hear what Paul told the people of Thessalonia,'...Be alert and self-controlled'
I pray God'll help you to turn down the offer even when you've the opportunity to take it .

Tuesday, 7 January 2014


When am not a traffic light,why'd I tell you to stop.Well,this must be the crazy aspect of Isaac (you think so?) Well, I won't like to waste your time,afterall you've seen a traffic light that propagates red light before.Abi you never see am before? Now,jokes apart,let me be serious in discussing this topic.

As I was reading with a keen attention the letter of apostle Paul to his beloved son,Timothy,I came to a place that caused a pause while reading. sincerely its worths a complete attention.Apostle Paul said to Timothy that,'stop drinking only water,use a little of wine because of your stomach and frequent illness' Beyond the prism of what you're thinking about the verse is simply what I wonna discuss.

Note from the passage the word 'STOP'-which is a command.Bro.Paul in this statement was not bargaining with Timothy neither was he suggesting that he should or should not.The statement reveals the level of intimacy of paul with Timothy.

Having this understanding,you'll discover that paul's command was to save Timothy from health failure.You're surprised where Paul got such a prescription.I surmise that Paul loved Timothy so well that he went on research to know what'll better his health.I salute Paul's courage!

So,what do we need out of this? I've come to this logical conclusion that;it'll be a big loss if you've a friend who is watching you barrelling down the way to hell.If a friend of yours can't sincerely tell you how confused your ways of life is,s/he is not a true friend.A friend that can't clearly speak you to face of your evil deeds should be done away with! Possibly,if your friend can't suggest what's good for both your spiritual and physical life,he is worst than lucifer.

Listen friends,if your bossom friends can't tell you that truth,I'll like to take up that responsibility.
Now,I'm your friend by this standard.Do you know that you're treading a path of no return if all you do is to indulge in sexual immoralities? Don't you know that you should stop wasting your time on worldly activities and start feeding yourself with the right words of God? I've come to tell you to stop 'feeding your eyes with porn movies,and start studying the God's word.Help yourself by walking in a godly manner and appearing descently instead of offering a free porn shows to people and at the same time polluting the spiritual eyes of some brethren.Stop malicious talk,stop unnecessary gisting and jokes,stop blaspheming the name of God among the gentiles.
Let me stop here to tell you that 'stop whatsoever that's sinful and give much attention to godly characters.

This my epistle to you friend.


In recent past,I've had alot of confrontation with people,trying to call their most attention to how dangerous the way they're treading may be.In most cases,I give myself worries on how would somebody be living a wayward life or creaming sexual immoralities in this already crooked and depraved generation.When I see ladies wearing dresses that reveals their inner wears,I shake my head in regret.Seeing them wearing dresses that accentuate the size of the buttock,makes me to see how perversed this generation is.However,not all do this.A lady on my twitter said something yesterday that;' there're some clothes females should just say No to.How can you wear something that makes the contour of your 'down below' obvious'? Shiish'
In the ministry of having a sterile society and a church free of immoralities,teachings are directed towards such unfortunate happenings in our churches,but it seems that it all fell on their dead ear.The response we received in most cases are discouraging and before you know it,they'd have given you names,like 'Old school boy'
The recent one was my passion to discourage some guys from chatting and browsing while the service is going on in the church,but you can't just believe how obnoxious their response were.kai! It takes knowledge to speak with these guys.I can go on and on if it comes to how fast these spectacle of absurdities is travelling in our society.

As a result of the stubborness of people who are adding petrol to the inferno of the evil in our society,I've come to this conclusion i.e to 'Mind My Own Business'
I think there is little you and I can do for others,and so it'd be wise enough not to stretch ourselves beyond the elastic limit.
Apostle Paul in 1Thess 4:11 says,'make it your ambition to lead a quiet life,to mind your own business'
I'm pretty sure that I must really mind my business,though truth must be told,but the fact is that:a son of perdition would always be a son of perdition.
For this same reason,I've discovered that,there is a need to give much attention to myself than I do on others.Yeah! To correct others is not a sin,but it's good to know that the journey to heaven is personal.You'll go your way,and I'll go mine.So,if somebody likes,let him listen,if not,mind your own business,atleast that is the best response you can get fron a handful number of them i.e Mind Your Own Business.
It's this sense of mine that makes me to consider apostle Paul letter to the Galatians relevant here.Galatians 6:4,'Each one should test his own actions.Then he can take pride in himself,without comparing himself to somebody else, v5 for each one should carry his own load.
Obviously,we'd be missing alot about our own ways of life if we want to be the doctor of all.Let me carry my load,because it's personal!
Let's give much focus on ourselves than we do on others.However,if God gives you grace to do so,do it but becareful lest you fall.

Friends,I'm not discouraging correcting people because this is what I love doing,however you must give more attention to yourself,minding your busines!
The more attention you give to others,the less you'd be giving to yourself.Let each work out his/her salvation with fear and trembling.
For now,I'm minding my own business.
God bless.