Listening or reading about this story always make most of us to be highly judgemental in our sense of thoughts,and pointing accusing fingers to the victim of the incident.After all human points of view which is from the reasoning perspective,we forget how significant the issue is.In fact,we joke it off sometimes.Beyond the story level we've come to the point of gaining insights to how relevant the story is.
Just as you're wondering about which story am talking about out of number of stories you know,I'll like you go with me at a speed of light into the book of Hebrew 12:16 which reads;'see that no one is sexually immoral or is godless like Esau,who for a single meal sold his inheritance rights as the oldest'
I'd not be taking the whole of the passage,but will do good considering the latter part of the scripture.
The story of Esau and Jacob is not new to you,yet it can be new to you as we sieve it through the grids of the scripture.Before I go further,let me quickly establish that,God predestined both boys before their birth,and you can see that being mentioned by apostle Paul in his epistle to believers at Rome in 'Romans 9:13-21'
However,beyond the prism of their predestination,we'd quickly stew in some important lessons from the life of Esau in particular....
Let's take the verse in part:'...who for a single meal...' It's obvious that Esau was seriously hungry that he needed to eat to filled up is stomach.It was at this present moment that he made an unwise decision by selling out his future jokingly to his desperate brother who's ready to pay all it takes to have the glory of his brother.
The question is that;was the hunger so much that Esau could not bear it for that moment? I think this is where the problem lies,it wasn't that he can't endure but he lacks the power or spirit of self control/self discipline.Why can't he disciplined his stomach atleast for that day to esque the future regret? Let phil 3:19 shed much light on the reason behind this..'their destiny is destruction,their god is their stomach,and their glory is in their shame.Their mind is on earthly things'
It's at this point,I unearthed that,a christian who lacks the power of self-discipline will definitely fall into the trap(snares) of the enemy.Some people've become addicted to certain habits that they thought that without it,they'd not survive.In this age of ours,people are becoming too loose that they can't gain control over their immoral behaviours in which a slight opportunity makes them give in to sins.some have believed that;masturbation,sexual sins,gossiping,stealing,lieing
The crucial aspect of this story is that:there is a high possibility of Esau thinking that if he couldn't get the food at that time,he'd definitely die.
That simply implies that,the devil is always in a game of deluding us with the mentality of 'instant gratification of our needs' He'll always want us to think that we need everything now and not other time.This pushes us to make unnecessary demands.He'd tell you that you need the latest wears in town,if not you'll not meet up with your expensive friends.He can even tell you that;unless you dress shabbly or indescently,you'll not be reckoned with and be isolated by friends.He can come in different ways friends.
Just note this:there's nothing pressing in life that you're in need of that your Father(God) has not provided (see Eph 1:3-4) When you're pressed to make a costly demand,you can try phil 4:6 that you may not fall into his trap.
Now,just in a day,'he sold his inheritance rights' What qualifies him as the next of kin was sold out just like that! A day of lustful satisfaction that leads to eternal regret.
The devil may be telling you that,it doesn't matter,just trade your virginity for money or for the unbriddled appetite for sex.
Ooh! Esau thoughts that,it's nothing serious to do that,he must have told Jacob that;'you're funny shaa,just because of that,it's a small thing.You just give me food.Shikena..you'll have my rights'
In the same way you joke away the glory of God in your life by playing costly games with your life.
Vs17b says,'He was rejected....he sough t the blessing with tears'
May you not take a decision that'd caused you tears.
The devil'll always come back to toment you,even when you're enjoying those sins now.
On this note,take these with you:
sin'll take you father than you wanted.
Sin'll keep u longer than u wanted to stay.
Sin'll cost you more than you wanted to pay.
Just in a day...